Médiateur de la consommation, either electronically at www.anmconso.com, or by post to ANM Conso, 2 rue de Colmar, 94300 VINCENNES.
Scale of fees for property transactions, payable by the vendor :
6% incl. VAT (5% excl. VAT + 20% VAT) of the sale price
with a minimum fee of €15,000 including VAT
The sale prices advertised and displayed always include agency commission.


It should be noted that the current VAT rate of 20% is subject to change in accordance with tax regulations.
AB REAL ESTATE SAS with capital of €8,000, whose registered office is located at 3 rue du Devès, 34480 St Geniès de Fontédit, tel 04 67 36 36 80, ab@ab-real-estate.com, registered in the Béziers Trade and Companies Register under no. 439448127, represented by Mrs Annelise BOSSHARD, in her capacity as Chairman, duly authorised for the purposes hereof, Holder of a professional licence bearing the words Transactions on real estate and business assets n° CPI 3401 2017 000 017 270, issued on 10/03/2023 by CCI Hérault, Délégation Béziers, 26 allées Paul Riquet, CS 40371, 34535 Béziers Cedex, whose VAT number is FR30 439 448 127 00019, member of the Guarantee Fund GALIAN ASSURANCES whose registered office is at 89 rue la Boétie, 75008 Paris, under no. A01911959, and guaranteed for an amount of €140.000, covering the following geographical area: Metropolitan France, French overseas departments and territories and the Principality of Monaco and Andorra; Holder of escrow account no. 16809300200 89 opened with SMC, 2 rue du Grand Cap, 34300 Agde; Holder of professional indemnity insurance taken out with MMA IARD, whose head office is at 14 Boulevard Marie et Alexandre Oyon, 72030 Le Mans CEDEX 9, under policy no. 120137405, covering the following geographical area: Metropolitan France, French overseas departments and territories and the Principality of Monaco and Andorra.


Member of the Fédération Nationale de l’Immobilier (FNAIM) under no. 24102X, holding the professional title of REAL ESTATE AGENT obtained in France, whose activity is governed by Law no. 70-9 of 2 January 1970 (known as the “Hoguet Law”) and its implementing decree no. 72-678 of 20 July 1972 (available in French at www.legifrance.gouv.fr), and subject to the FNAIM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, which incorporates the rules of professional conduct laid down by Decree no. 2015 1090 of 28 August 2015, available in French at www.fnaim.fr.